International News

Unconventional environmentalist uses leaves as toilet paper

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In a peculiar environmental endeavor, 36-year-old activist Robin Greenfield has been advocating for the use of leaves instead of traditional toilet paper for the past decade.

Greenfield, known for his dedication to sustainable practices, encourages others to follow suit, citing the detrimental impact of toilet paper consumption on deforestation and fossil fuel usage.Screenshot 43

In a recent video titled “Grow Your Own Toilet Paper,” Greenfield highlights the blue spur flower as an alternative.

He claims that this plant, which can be grown in one’s backyard, can provide a lifetime supply of toilet paper. Native to South Asia and Africa, the blue spur flower, or “toilet paper plant” as Greenfield calls it, features naturally mint-scented leaves that are both soft and durable.Screenshot 42

Greenfield emphasizes the potential savings by using this unconventional approach, mentioning the average American’s estimated lifetime expenditure of $11,000 on toilet paper.

By embracing the use of blue spur leaves, individuals can reduce costs while making a positive impact on the environment.

While Greenfield’s method may raise eyebrows, it serves as a reminder that small lifestyle changes can contribute to sustainability efforts and lessen our ecological footprint.

Head of content and Editor-at-large at – Dickson Ofori Siaw is a blunt writer who loves to make his readers see "the other perspectives of a news story". Follow me on Twitter @kwadwo_dost