
What is Mike Pence’s stance on immigration and foreign policy?

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Mike Pence a past Vice president of the United States Of America, served in office between 2017 and 2021.he was the vice president to Donald Trump.

Although reports state Donald Trump and Pence had a little friction between them due to differences in their opinion among others, the pair served America dutifully.

Mike Pence’s stance on many American issues are often regarded as extreme due to his politicial party as well as his faith as a Christian.

What is Mike Pence’s stance on immigration and foreign policy?

Pence’s stance on immigration is that it should be limited and controlled. He supports building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and has called for increased deportations of undocumented immigrants. Pence also opposes birthright citizenship, which grants citizenship to children born in the United States to undocumented immigrants.


Pence’s stance on foreign policy is that the United States should be a strong and assertive leader in the world. He supports increasing military spending and has called for a more aggressive approach to dealing with threats from countries like Iran and North Korea. Pence also supports using military force to protect American interests abroad.

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