
What happened to Hardeep Singh Kohli? Why was Hardeep Singh Kohli arrested?

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Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12389665/BBC-Comedian-arrested-charged-connection-non-recent-sexual-offences.html

Hardeep Singh Kohli is a well-known British comedian and a radio and TV presenter who has appeared on various radio and television programs.

Hardeep was born on January 21, 1969, in London, England. After obtaining a college degree from the University of Glasgow, he joined the BBC Scotland graduate production trainee scheme.

Later on, he worked in BBC Television Centre, London, directing children’s TV, and then to Youth and Entertainment Features in Manchester.

Continuing his media career, he wrote and presented BBC Radio 4’s “Hippy Trail” described by the Telegraph’s Gillian Reynolds as “he patently had no real interest in the European and American hippies who trekked overland to India in the 1960s.

Why was Hardeep Singh Kohli arrested?

Hardeep Sigh Kohli is currently trending as he has been accused of multiple incidents of sexual assault. He was arrested and charged in connection with ‘non-recent’ sexual offences.

This is coming after allegations from multiple women, which was reported in The Times news paper. However, according to police Scotland police report, he has been released on an undertaking to appear in court at a later date.

Source: Ghanafuo.com

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