Game of Thrones

Why is Gregor Clegane called ‘The Mountain’ in ‘Game of Thrones’?

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A House Clegane knight serving House Lannister was known as Ser Gregor Clegane. He was an infamous dreadful, deadly, and well-respected warrior with a predilection for extreme and excessive violence. He was Sandor Clegane’s older brother.

Ser Gregor Clegane, Sandor’s older brother, served as the head of the House Clegane knightly family, which had its roots in the Westerlands. For taking one of his toys when Sandor and Gregor were little, Gregor burned his brother’s face, creating a terrible scar. Gregor was a landed knight, not a fully-fledged lord.

Gregor was monstrously enormous, the biggest, the strongest, and the most dreaded man in all of Westeros. His stature and strength were unsurpassed, making him one of the most intimidating and dangerous men in the Seven Kingdoms.

Because of his alleged propensity for passion, violence, and anger, he was dreaded throughout Westeros. He has viciously raped women, killed children, and tortured individuals to death. His crimes of violence are abhorrent. Lord Tywin in particular, who served as House Lannister’s retainer and servant, had his utmost loyalty.

Why is Gregor Clegane called ‘The Mountain’ in ‘Game of Thrones’?

Gregor is sometimes referred to as the Mountain That Rides or simply the Mountain because of his extraordinary size. The Mountain’s Men is the nickname for his men.