
Why is Danzig controversial?

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Danzig is an American heavy metal band led by former Samhain and Misfits singer Glenn Danzig. Formed in 1987 in Lodi, New Jersey, the group early on became a unique voice in the rock scene, playing a bluesy, doom-laden metal with Glenn Danzig crooning in the style of Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley.

Why is Danzig controversial?

Danzig’s openly satanic lyrics and image stirred controversy. After a major hit with a live version of its 1988 song “Mother”, the band experimented with industrial music but later returned to heavy metal.

Danzig specifically brought up the classic Misfits track “Last Caress,” whose notorious lyrics feature boastful references to rape and killing babies, as an example of something that would perhaps not fly nowadays. “It’s just a crazy-ass song,” he told the publication. “We would do things just to piss people off.”

When asked if “that song was just, ‘Let me think of the most fucked up things I can think of’?” Danzig replied, “Part of it, yeah. Like, ‘Fuck everybody. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck the world.’ And that was pretty much the attitude. It was just like, ‘Fuck your system, fuck all this bullshit.’ It was something else. I don’t think people will ever see anything like it again. There won’t be any new bands coming out like that. Now, they will immediately get canceled.

Editor at! Prince Ahiakpor is a man that believes the world can be a peaceful place when you love your neighbor as ourselves. To me, witting is like therapy it makes you use your mind in a different way than you can ever imagine. Our minds can do a lot if you allow them to do so. You are welcome to