
What will be Queen Elizabeth II’s burial site?

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What will be Queen Elizabeth II’s burial site?

Queen Elizabeth II was the Queen of the United Kingdom and 14 other sovereign countries until her death. She reigns for 70 years and seven months, beginning on 6 February 1952. He has been the longest of any British monarch in history.

Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926. During the reign of her paternal grandfather, King George V. Her father, the Duke of York (later King George VI), was the second son of the King. Her mother, the Duchess of York (later Queen Elizabeth I), was the youngest daughter of Scottish aristocrat Claude Bowes-Lyon.

What will be Queen Elizabeth II’s burial site?

The queen is expected to be laid to rest in a private burial at St. George’s Chapel, on the grounds of Windsor Castle, where she spent many of her final years.

Queen Elizabeth, the longest-serving British monarch, died at Balmoral Castle at age 96. Following the Queen’s state funeral at Westminster Abbey, there will be a graveside service at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

She will be buried where her parents and sister were berried, in Windsor Castle’s King George VI Memorial Chapel.

Queen Elizabeth II will be buried with Prince Philip who was temporarily laid to rest in the Royal Vault at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021. His coffin will be moved to King George VI’s memorial chapel to join his wife.


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