
What is Ryan Reynolds scared of? Fear of flying explained

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Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds has played a variety of roles over the years.

His most memorable roles have come from Deadpool, Free Guy, 6 Underground, and Smokin’ Aces. Underground, and Smokin’ Aces.

He revealed the film that helped him overcome his fear of flying in an interview with one of the most popular American talk shows.

What is Ryan Reynolds scared of?

Ryan Reynolds spoke on the talk show about his flying experience. The actor talked about skydiving and how his parachute failed to open, sending him free-falling through the air.

Years later, Ryan Reynolds revealed his fear of flying and the film that helped him overcome it. The actor revealed that Green Lantern helped him overcome his fear of flying, which was a result of a bad skydiving experience in his teenage years.

Ryan Reynolds also disclosed that while filming Green Lantern, they were mostly on high-wires flying through various locations. The actor discussed his experience while filming Green Lantern, saying that flying was interesting despite his initial fear.

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