
What is Jack Dorsey’s new social media called?

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Jack Patrick Dorsey, a co-founder of Twitter and its former chief executive. He also co-founded Block, Inc., a company that processes financial payments, and he currently holds the positions of chairman and chief executive officer. On November 19, 1976, in the United States, Dorsey was born.

Dorsey, the son of Tim and Marcia, was raised in St. Louis, Missouri. He has some Italian ancestry on his mother’s side. His father worked at a company that produced mass spectrometers, and his mother stayed at home. He was raised as a Catholic and his uncle is a priest in Cincinnati.

Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass founded Odeo. It subsequently adopted the moniker Obvious Corporation and then became Twitter, Inc. Dorsey was chosen to lead Twitter. As Chief Executive Officer, Dorsey guided the company through two rounds of venture capital fundraising. He supposedly lost his job as a result of leaving early for his hobbies, which included yoga and fashion design.

What is Jack Dorsey’s new social media called?

Former Twitter chief executive officer and founder Jack Dorsey have unveiled a brand-new social media network called Bluesky.

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