
What disease does Bill Nye’s siblings have?

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Things are a little different in the brand-new documentary Bill Nye: Science Guy, which debuts this week in a few theaters. Here, the cry is coming from a crowd of Americans of all ages who have gathered to discuss the crucial role that science plays in society rather than to listen to Nye speak on the beauty and magic of basic science.

The scene occurs during one of Nye’s recent national tours of lectures on science education, space exploration, and climate science.

What disease do Bill Nye’s siblings have?

In his 2017 PBS documentary Bill Nye: Science Guy, Nye discussed the ataxia that runs in his family. Even though he “dodged the genetic bullet” himself, Nye decided not to have children to avoid the possibility of passing on the illness due to his father’s, sister’s, and brother’s lifelong issues with balance and coordination.

There is much more to learn about the “man behind the bowtie,” as viewers rapidly discover, including little-known personal facts like the death of his parents, the genetic condition that weakens his brother’s and sister’s muscles, his difficulties dating, and his decision not to have children.

A neurological symptom that manifests as a loss of voluntary coordination of muscle movements may involve speech alterations, abnormal eye movements, and abnormal gait.

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