The Fortuna Düsseldorf community is in mourning following the tragic death of Newton Opoku-Mensah, a talented young player from their U17 squad. The 17-year-old Ghanaian player drowned in a lake in Duisburg, leaving his teammates, coaches, and fans devastated by the loss.
Klaus Allofs, Board Member for Sports & Communication at Fortuna Düsseldorf, expressed deep shock and sadness over Newton’s passing. The club has suspended all youth team activities, from U9 to U19, as a mark of respect for the young player.
In a statement, Allofs said, “We are deeply shocked and cannot grasp this news. Newton was a young man who was living his dream and has now passed away far too early. Our sympathy and deepest condolences are with Newton’s family and relatives, as well as with all his teammates and the entire team at our youth performance center.”
The club has reached out to Newton’s family, teammates, and staff at the youth development center to offer their heartfelt condolences and support during this difficult time. The loss of such a promising young talent has left a void in the Fortuna Düsseldorf community, and they will undoubtedly feel his absence on and off the field.
As they mourn the loss of Newton Opoku-Mensah, Fortuna Düsseldorf is coming together to support each other and honor the memory of their fallen teammate. The impact of his passing will be felt for a long time to come, but his spirit and talent will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.