
“Weird Al” Yankovic children: Meet Nina Yankovic

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Alfred Matthew “Weird Al” Yankovic is an American singer, musician, songwriter, record producer, actor, and author. He is best known for creating comedy songs that make light of pop culture and often parody specific songs by contemporary musicians.

He also performs original songs that are style pastiches of the work of other acts, as well as polka medleys of several popular songs, most of which feature his trademark accordion.

“Weird Al” Yankovic children: Meet Nina Yankovic

Yankovic has been married for over 20 years to Suzanne Krajewski. The couple was reportedly set up on a date by actor and musician Bill Mumy. After that, they engaged in phone conversations for weeks before meeting in person during which he started to develop a crush on her.

Their daughter Nina Yankovic was born on Feb. 11, 2003, and she shares an affectionate relationship with her parents.

Weird Al has established his mark as a doting parent when he talked in detail about his relationship with his daughter, especially her love for nature, and calls her an ‘ideal kid’. He said: “She likes playing outside, with animals and nature. I was always watching TV at her age. Where did we go right?”

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