Ghana News & Trends

UPSA honours Francis Dadzie for contribution to advertising industry

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The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) recently recognized Francis Dadzie, the former Executive Director of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG), for his exceptional contributions to the advertising industry.

Dadzie was honored at the 7th UPSA Classic Awards ceremony held on Saturday, May 18.

The UPSA Classic Awards is an annual event that celebrates outstanding students and individuals who have excelled in their respective fields. Dadzie was lauded for his unwavering commitment to the industry and was praised for being a source of inspiration and transformation within Ghana’s business landscape.

During his tenure as the Executive Director of AAG since 1999, Dadzie was commended for his exemplary leadership, innovative approach, and positive impact on the industry. Under his leadership, AAG underwent a significant transformation, evolving from a trade association to a distinguished professional body.

The citation presented to Dadzie highlighted his role as the President of the UPSA Global Alumni and his efforts in spearheading initiatives such as the UPSA Police Station project, aimed at ensuring the safety and security of students. His achievements were recognized as a testament to his visionary leadership, exemplary service, and commitment to excellence.

Upon receiving the award, Dadzie expressed his gratitude to the student body for acknowledging his contributions and impact. He shared advice with the students, urging them to prioritize their academic work, remain disciplined, and strive for greatness. He emphasized the importance of honesty and integrity, citing his own experience as a student leader and the trust it built amongst his alumni.

In conclusion, Dadzie’s recognition at the UPSA Classic Awards serves as a reminder of the importance of dedication, leadership, and integrity in shaping the future of the advertising industry and inspiring future leaders.

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Head of content and Editor-at-large at – Dickson Ofori Siaw is a blunt writer who loves to make his readers see "the other perspectives of a news story". Follow me on Twitter @kwadwo_dost