International News

Trash me all day, but it’ll cost $8 – Elon Musk insists

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Elon Musk

Users will have to pay $8 per month to Twitter if they want the blue-tick honorific added to their accounts.

Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, has made numerous suggestions over the past year geared at enhancing the social media platform and its profitability, and we know this because he said it.

The main distinction is that Musk is now the company’s owner, chairman, and CEO. He has the last word.

Unless he decides to reconsider, which he won’t. Or, as is sometimes the case, he may be joking. Nevertheless, given that he has already discussed it rather frequently, this feels fairly genuine.

The blue tick’s purpose is to attest that the person or business is who they claim to be. Users typically want to know whether a senator tweeting about tax policy is an actual elected official or whether a sports star tweeting about their retirement is authentic.

This is based on the idea that, unless he becomes famous and important, in which case a blue tick may follow, we don’t really care if Joe from across the street is, in fact, Joe from across the street.

This division is referred to by Musk as a “lords & peasants system.” Joe from across the street and POTUS44 both have legitimate claims to legitimacy. He’s correct. Joe’s name may not be important to you or me, but his neighbor could be curious about if a horde of zombies actually did march down their street.

Additionally, the blue tick promotes accountability in addition to honesty. Being able to verify that the tweets were actually sent by the CEO of Tesla Inc. was essential to the process of using Musk’s own tweets against him in legal disputes.

Desmond, what makes you happy? "I earn a smile from writing" 😍

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