Net Worth

Richard Leakey net worth: Biography, age, height, parents, siblings, wife, children

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Richard Leakey
Richard Leakey

Richard Leakey, a Kenyan politician, was also known as a pale anthropologist and conservationist.

Richard Leakey was born on December 19, 1944, in Nairobi, Kenya. His parents are Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey. His siblings are Philip Leakey and Jonathan Leakey.

Richard Leakey started his education at the Lenana School before proceeding to graduate from the University of Cambridge.

Richard Leakey family: Who was Richard Leakey married to? How are Richard Leakey’s children?

Richard Leakey was married to Lois Leakey. He was previously married to Marry Leakey and Henrietta Wilfreda Avem. The marriages did not end well as they expected.

He has only one child called Louise Leakey.

Which skull did Richard Leakey find?

Richard Leakey founded 1470  in 1972. In 1982, he also helped to unearth Turkana Boy, a 1.6-million-year-old skeleton of a young male Homo erectus.

Richard Leakey net worth: How much was Richard Leakey worth?

Richard Leakey is estimated to have a net worth of $9 million.

Editor at – Joseph Dumolga is a prolific writer and entertainment enthusiast, who has written many blog articles on music, art, and pop culture. He is a student of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. Joseph Dumolga is well-rounded on global issues but has a passion for music, art, and culture.

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