
Renan Bolsonaro: Who is Jair Bolsonaro’s son? Wiki, age, Instagram, net worth

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President Jair Bolsonaro
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro

Jair Bolsonaro has been the president of Brazil since January 1,2019. He was elected on the ticket of the Liberal party but left them afterwards.

Jair is retired military officer and a politician. He was born on March 21,1955 to Percy Geraldo Bolsonaro and Olinda Bonturi.

He is married to Michelle de Paula Firmo Reinaldo with one child and four children from his previous marriages.

Who is Jair Bolsonaro’s son Renan Bolsonaro?

Renan is Jair child from his second marriage. Renan’s mother is Ana Cristina Valle.

He was born in 1998 and is 24 years old. He is 1.9m tall.

What does Renan Bolsonaro do?

What Renan does is not yet clear. Since he is still in his early twenties, it is believed he is still in school.

He attends Estácio de Sá universities, university center of Brasilia.

Is Renan Bolsonaro dating?

Renan has not come public about his relationship status.

Renan Bolsonaro net worth and Instagram

Renan Instagram’s handle is @renanbolsonaro. He is worth less than $1 million.

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