Ghana News & Trends

Police withdraw injunction against #dumsormuststop demo

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The Ghana Police Service has made a significant decision regarding the upcoming Yvonne Nelson-led demonstration against the prevalent power outages in the country, known as ‘dumsor.’

In a recent development, the police have withdrawn their injunction application to halt the protest.

This decision was made after the organizers of the demonstration submitted a revised plan to the police, addressing their concerns and making adjustments to the original schedule. Originally planned to take place on May 25, 2024, the protest will now be held on June 8, 2024, at 2:00pm at the University of Ghana. The organizers communicated this change through a new letter sent to the Accra Regional Police Command.

The police had initially sought an injunction at the High Court to stop the demonstration, citing security and logistical issues. They had also suggested an alternative venue for the protest. However, following the submission of the revised plan, which seemed to address these concerns, the police decided to withdraw their legal action.

According to the requirements of the Public Order Act, the police have now filed an instant application to halt the demonstration. The withdrawal of the injunction application, which was discussed in court on May 24, 2024, means that the organizers can proceed with the protest as planned, unless there is further intervention from the police.

This latest development has paved the way for the Yvonne Nelson-led demonstration to go ahead as scheduled. The organizers, Selorm Dramani Dzramado and Henry Akoto Osei, can now prepare for the protest without the threat of legal obstruction. The public is eagerly anticipating the demonstration and hoping for meaningful dialogue and action to address the ongoing power supply issues in the country.

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