Ghana News & Trends

Pick a charismatic running mate who will appeal to the youth – Smart Sarpong tells Bawumia

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The flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, is gearing up to announce his running mate at the end of June, according to the Managing Director of the State Transport Company (STC), Nana Akomea.

The former Communications Director of the NPP revealed that Dr. Bawumia has already made a decision on who will join him on the ticket for the upcoming elections.

Speaking on the Sunrise show on 3FM, Nana Akomea emphasized the importance of selecting a charismatic running mate who can appeal to the youth and bring complementary votes to the NPP’s ticket. He highlighted the need for someone inspirational, charismatic, and down to earth to enhance the party’s chances in the elections.

The selection of a running mate is critical as recent survey results indicate a competitive political landscape in Ghana. The National Democratic Congress (NDC) currently leads in popularity among voters, holding 38.8% of the votes, followed closely by the NPP with 34.5%. However, a significant portion of the electorate, 23.1%, remains undecided, making them a crucial factor in the final outcome.

When it comes to preferred presidential candidates, Dr. Bawumia of the NPP leads with 38.9% support, slightly ahead of the NDC’s John Dramani Mahama, who has 36.1% support. The survey also revealed that competence is the primary consideration for 50.3% of voters, followed by the track record of presidential candidates and party affiliation.

Unemployment emerged as the most pressing issue for voters, with 21.1% highlighting it as their primary concern. Economic improvements also ranked high on the agenda, with a cumulative 33.7% of respondents citing various economic issues. Other critical concerns include poor infrastructure, illegal mining, LGBTQ rights, corruption, and poor sanitation.

As the country prepares for the upcoming elections, Dr. Bawumia’s choice of running mate could play a significant role in shaping the outcome and garnering support from key demographics, especially the youth.

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