
Peter Hardy: 12 key facts you need to know

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Peter Hardy is a local actor, theatre performer, and musician in Perth, Western Australia.

Peter Hardy’s birthday, age and birthplace

Hardy was born in Perth, Western Australia on 11 January 1957.

Peter Hardy’s nationality, ethnicity

Hardy is an Australian by nationality

Peter Hardy  religion

Hardy was known to be a Christian according to sources.

Peter Hardy’s height and weight

Peter is 6ft 2inches tall and weighs 68kg

Peter Hardy’s educational background

Hardy never shared information about his educational background.

Peter Hardy’s parents and siblings

Hardy’s father was called Mawalan Marika and a brother called Joel Edgerton


Peter Hardy’s wife and children

Hardy kept his family life away from the public eye, no information was known about his wife and children except he had two children.


Peter Hardy’s top movies and TV shows

Sweat (TV series), McLeod’s Daughters (TV series) and Dangerous Remedy (TV film).

Peter Hardy awards

He was the golden globe award

Peter Hardy home: Where does Peter Hardy live?

Hardy was staying in his homeland Australia when he passed away

Peter Hardy’s earnings and net worth 

Hardy is worth $5m

Peter Hardy’s social media pages

Hardy hasn’t shared any information on her social media pages. He was a private person.