Ghana News & Trends

Mother seeks justice for daughter who was defiled at age two

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In a heartbreaking case of child defilement, a three-year-old victim, whose identity has been kept private, is left helpless and bruised.

The nightmare began in January 2023 when she was just two years old. The perpetrator, a 17-year-old boy named Joseph, defiled her in her own mother’s room, leaving her struggling for her life due to the trauma and emotional scars.

The mother, still in shock and pain, recounted the horrifying incident, “My former residence was close to the market where I used to work. I left my child in the care of a lady but she fell asleep. So, the guy took advantage, entered my room and slept with my daughter. I am deeply pained.” The aftermath of the assault was devastating as the little girl couldn’t walk or stand due to the excruciating pain she endured.

A medical report confirmed the defilement, with the minor’s hymen broken, and bruises and blood stains visible on her genitals. The mother’s quest for justice has been met with frustration and delays, as the perpetrator remains at large. The mother expressed her concern, “The doctor told me she could struggle to give birth due to her condition. I am tired of the delayed trial. What saddens me is that for six months now, the perpetrator has not made any appearance in court.”

Human rights lawyer and Member of Parliament for Madina, Francis-Xavier Sosu, highlighted the severity of the crime according to the law, “Any form of natural or unnatural canal knowledge of a child below 16 is defilement and you are supposed to go to prison for a minimum of seven years or a maximum of 25 years.” He emphasized that the perpetrator walking free posed a danger to society.

Despite facing pressure to drop the case, the mother remains steadfast in her pursuit of justice for her daughter. With new hurdles emerging, including a new prosecutor complicating the process, the mother fears that justice may be elusive. Sosu urged for continued efforts to seek legal redress and ensure that justice is served for the traumatized little girl.

The defilement of any child is a horrifying and unacceptable crime that must be addressed swiftly and decisively. Justice for victims like Janice must be a top priority for all stakeholders involved in the legal process.

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Head of content and Editor-at-large at – Dickson Ofori Siaw is a blunt writer who loves to make his readers see "the other perspectives of a news story". Follow me on Twitter @kwadwo_dost