
Melanie Ciccone Biography, age, husband, children, occupation, net worth

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Melanie Ciccone Biography, age and birthday

Melanie Ciccone is the younger sister of Madonna.

Melanie Ciccone nationality and ethnicity

Melanie is an American with Italian and French-Canadian ancestry

Melanie Ciccone education and occupation

Melanie has worked as a production designer and art director in the film industry. She has worked on several films, including “Swimming with Sharks” (1994) and “The Sweetest Thing” (2002). Apart from her work in the film industry, Melanie has largely stayed out of the public eye and has not pursued a career in music or entertainment like her famous sister. As a result, there is not much publicly available information about her personal life or background.

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Melanie Ciccone parents and siblings

Melanie is the youngest among five siblings, born to parents Silvio Anthony Ciccone and  Joan Gustafson.

Melanie Ciccone husband and children

There is not enough information available about Melanie Ciccone to determine if she is married or has children. She is not a public figure, and therefore, her personal life is not widely known.

Melanie Ciccone salary and net worth

Melanie likes to keep her life on a low, there’s not much information about her net worth and career.