
Meet Quentin Tarantino’s brothers Ron Zastoupil and Edward James Tarantino

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Quentin Tarantino (born on March 27, 1963) is an American actor, film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is known for Pulp Fiction, Death Proof, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He is also credited for the horror comedy film “From Dusk till Dawn”

Meet Quentin Tarantino’s brothers Ron Zastoupil and Edward James Tarantino

Edward James Tarantino and Ron Zastoupil Tarantino are Quentin Tarantino’s brothers.

His mother, Connie, is a 75-year-old nurse who resides in Tennessee, and his father, Knoxville, is an American actor and producer. When Connie was just 16 years old, she became pregnant and gave birth to Quentin, her first child.


Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Death Proof, Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood are just a few of Quentin Tarantino’s notable films.

His movies are notable for their repeated allusions to pop culture and cinema genres, non-linear plots, grim comedy, stylized violence, lengthy conversation, extensive use of foul language, cameos, and ensemble casts.

Editor at! Edward Teddy Kwofie : An entertainment and sports journalist. I have also written on entertainment and lifestyle in several countries as a writer. Follow me on my official Twitter, Instagram and Facebook:@eddyblaq