Net Worth

María Mercedes Coroy career earnings, salary and net worth

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Maria Mercedes Coroy is an actress. She was born on September 3, 1994. she is a Guateleman of Maya descent, she is known for her roles in movies La Lorne, Bel Canto, Malinche, and the world’s popular movie now, ” the black panther” she was born and raised in Santa Maria De Jesus, Maria completed the University of San Carlos with an acting degree. Aside from acting Maria is quite popular on social media, most especially Instagram where she does a bit of influencing and models for popular brands as well.

What is Maria Mercedes’ net worth?

Maria is worth approximately a hundred thousand united states dollars ( $100,000) all this is money made from her employment as an actress, it is known that Maria has another source of income, but those sources are yet to be disclosed.