Net Worth

Luke David Blumm career earnings, salary and net worth

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Luke David Blumm is an actor. He is usually referred to as Lukie or handsome Luke by family and friends.

Blumm was born in September 2009 and grew up in the state of New York.

He was brought up in a family of actors and film enthusiasts. His father, Matthew Sean Blumm is an actor himself along with his sister Samantha Grace Boom.

He began auditioning for roles in a number of New Yorked based movie projects before making his transition to the bigger stage.

What is Luke David Blumm net worth?

The young actor has an estimated net worth of  $1 million. He has landed a number of roles in blockbuster hit movies and is set to earn a lot more in the coming years with his current trajectory.


How much does Luke David Blumm make a year?

Since making his big breakthrough in 2021, David has been earning close to $300,000 a year from various movie projects he has worked on. In most movie series, Luke is paid per episode and has since his stock rise every season.


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