
Kneeland Hibbett age, height, ethnicity, family, college, 40 time, draft, trade, net worth, Instagram

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Kneeland Hibbette
Kneeland Hibbett

Kneeland Hibbert was born in Florence, Alabama, and went to Florence High School and is currently a first-year student at The University of Alabama and is simply beginning his football profession. The player took part in 14 games in 2021.

Age and birthday

Kneeland’s birthday is not in the limelight as the player hasn’t uttered a word about his birthday celebrations. Seeing his photos on Twitter, the player is by all accounts in his mid-twenties at this point, yet Kneeland hasn’t yet affirmed this data.

Nationality and ethnicity

Kneeland is an American by birth

Height and weight

Kneeland is 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs around 235 lbs.


Kneeland Hibbert is a first-year student at The University of Alabama

Draft and Trade (When was he drafted?)

Kneeland hasn’t been drafted yet as he is just beginning his professional career

40‑yard dash

Information regarding Kneeland’s 40-yard dash is not available at the moment


The general population hasn’t yet found any information about Kneeland’s Family

Salary and net worth

Kneeland Hibbett Net Worth: Income Explored The essential kind of revenue Kneeland makes known to us is from football. The player is simply beginning his vocation, so he has not uncovered his careful total assets to the general population yet.

In any case, his assessed total assets are supposed to be more than $250,000  starting at 2022

Twitter and Instagram

His Instagram account kneeland_hibbett/#

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