
Jack Nicklaus Jr. Wiki, age, wife, children, Jack Nicklaus’ son, net worth

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Jack, Jr. has developed his own style and philosophy while channeling his legendary father’s passion for golf course design. His designs are now popular in Argentina, Italy, England, China, and Japan just to mention a few, and across the United States.

Jack Nicklaus Jr. Wikipedia

Additionally, Jack is a member of the American Society of Golf Course Architects. Jack Nicklaus Jnr. happens to be one of Jack Nicklaus’s five kids.

Jack Nicklaus Jr. age

He is 61 years old now and happens to celebrate his birthdays every September 23rd.

Where did Jack Nicklaus Jr. go to college?

Nicklaus is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Jack Nicklaus Jr.  profession/job

In more ways than one, Jack Nicklaus, Jr. has followed in his father’s footsteps. He works as a golf course designer professionally.

Jack Nicklaus Jr. parents and siblings

Jack and Barbara happen to be his biological parents having four other siblings; Gary Nicklaus, Nancy Nicklaus, Michael Nicklaus, and Steven Nicklaus.

Jack Nicklaus Jr. wife and children

Jack II got married to the former Barbara Gillespie over three decades ago and their union brought forth four kids; Jack William 111, Christina Marie, Eric Charles, and Casey Grace.

Jack Nicklaus Jr. net worth

Having made his own money from golf course designing and playing golf Jack Jnr is worth about $200 million dollars.

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