
Is Olivia Wilde a princess in real life? Is Olivia Wilde a royalty?

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Is Olivia Wilde a princess in real life Is Olivia Wilde a royalty
Is Olivia Wilde a princess in real life? Is Olivia Wilde a royalty?

Olivia Wilde is truly one of America’s, if not the entire world’s, sweethearts.

Even if some fans despise her for dumping Harry Styles, the truth is that everyone wants to know more about her and how she won the boy band leader’s heart.

However, some admirers are unsurprised. Olivia, after all, has a reputation for being a kind person and, of course, she’s stunning.

But there’s also the allure of being treated like royalty.

Is Olivia Wilde a princess in real life? Is Olivia Wilde a royalty?

Olivia Wilde was formerly thought to be a princess, according to some. She is no longer a princess because she is no longer a member of the royal family with titles.

The only problem is that Ruspoli, the filmmaker, photographer, and musician, lacks a formal title.

In actuality, his brother, Francesco Ruspoli, is the 10th Prince of Cerveteri, despite the fact that none of Ruspoli’s senior’s other children have titles.

At least, according to Wikipedia, this isn’t the case.

Even if she did get to rub elbows with even more prominent individuals than she would have in her acting career alone, this could suggest Olivia wasn’t really a princess after all.

Editor at Ghanafuo.com – David Kofi Tei, is a passionate Public Relations Lead/Journalist who mostly specializes in providing a high level of research, reporting, interviewing and broadcasting skills. He possesses in-depth Sports Journalism experience with a proven record of achievements in creating and delivering high quality engaging media content. He has also interviewed a plethora of sporting personalities.

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