
Is Mike Franken related to Al Franken?

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Is Mike Franken related to Al Franken?
Is Mike Franken related to Al Franken?

There are more often questions about the relationship between  Mike Franken and Al Franken. Many are not sure if they are related or not.

The following paragraphs in this article explain more.

Is Mike Franken related to Al Franken?

Mike Franken and Al Franken are not related by blood as speculated or queried.

Mike Franken and Al Franken bear the same surname but they are not related or they are brothers.

They are not even friends, to say the least.

Mike Franken is a famous American retired United States Navy vice admiral.

Before his retirement from the US Navy, Mike was serving as the deputy director of military operations for the United States Africa Command.

On the other side, Al Franken is a popular American comedian, politician, and media personality. He is also known to have served.

Al Franken has been a senator before, he served as the senator for the people of Minnesota from 2009 to 2018.

Editor at – Joseph Dumolga is a prolific writer and entertainment enthusiast, who has written many blog articles on music, art, and pop culture. He is a student of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. Joseph Dumolga is well-rounded on global issues but has a passion for music, art, and culture.

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