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Indian couple donate $24m fortune to charity to adopt monkhood

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A wealthy couple from Gujarat, India, has decided to make a remarkable gesture by donating their entire Rs 200 crore fortune to charity and embarking on a journey to become Jain monks.

Bhavesh Bhandari and his wife have accumulated a substantial fortune through their successful construction business, amassing over Rs 200 crore ($24 million).

Despite enjoying a life of luxury with opulent homes, expensive cars, and all they could desire, the couple has been inspired by their children, who chose to follow the path of Jain ascetic monks in 2022.

On April 22, they will renounce all worldly possessions, severe ties with their families, and set off on a barefoot journey across India, relying solely on alms for sustenance.

The Bhandari couple has taken a vow of renunciation to embrace a life of restraint known as “Saiyam Jeevan.” They began their charitable giving back in February by participating in a procession where they gave away money, mobile phones, and even air-conditioners to those in need.

Upon officially adopting the ascetic lifestyle, Bhavesh and his wife will only be allowed to own two white garments, an alms bowl, and a “rajoharan” broom used by Jain monks to clear insects before sitting, symbolizing their commitment to non-violence.

This decision mirrors a trend in India where individuals from various backgrounds have chosen to renounce their worldly possessions to embrace a life dedicated to spiritual pursuits.

In 2017, a couple from Madhya Pradesh donated Rs 100 crore and left their young daughter to become monks, while a diamond merchant and his wife also became Jain ascetics last year.

The selfless act of the Bhandari couple serves as a powerful reminder of the value of giving back to society and seeking a higher purpose beyond material wealth.

Their journey towards monkhood is a testament to their dedication to living a life guided by the principles of Jainism.

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