International News

Ice cubes now cost more than bread and milk in parts of Mali

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Record-breaking heat in Mali is causing a surge in the cost of ice cubes, surpassing the price of bread and milk in some areas.

The scorching temperatures, reaching as high as 48C, have left many residents without access to refrigeration due to prolonged power cuts. This has led to a reliance on ice cubes to preserve food and stay cool, despite the escalating prices.

For 15-year-old Fatouma Yattara, buying ice cubes has become a necessity to combat the extreme heat. However, the rising costs have made it challenging for her and many others to afford this essential commodity. Prices have soared to as high as 500 francs CFA ($1) for a small bag of ice, making it more expensive than a standard baguette, which typically costs around 250 CFA.

The power cuts in Mali are attributed to the state power company’s inability to meet the growing demand, as it grapples with accumulating debt. With no electricity, many Malians are left without fans to cool themselves at night, leading to health complications. Soumaïla Maïga from the Yirimadio district describes the nightly temperatures of 46C as unbearable, causing dizziness and necessitating frequent water splashing to cope.

The effects of the heatwave have been dire, with temperatures exceeding 48C and claiming the lives of over 100 individuals, mostly the elderly and young children. Hospitals have seen a surge in admissions due to dehydration, coughs, bronchial congestion, and respiratory distress.

As Mali struggles to cope with the relentless heat, neighboring countries like Senegal, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Niger, and Chad are also experiencing the impacts. Scientists at World Weather Attribution attribute these extreme highs to human-induced climate change, warning of the need to prepare for future occurrences.

With temperatures expected to remain above 40C in Bamako for the foreseeable future, Malians are adjusting to a new normal. Ms. Konaté Traoré describes the daily challenge of coping with the heat, highlighting the necessity of spending most of the day outside to avoid falling ill.


Head of content and Editor-at-large at – Dickson Ofori Siaw is a blunt writer who loves to make his readers see "the other perspectives of a news story". Follow me on Twitter @kwadwo_dost