
How much did Marlon Brando get paid for The Godfather?

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Marlon Brando is widely regarded as the greatest film actor of all time, with only the more theatrically oriented Laurence Olivier coming close. Unlike Olivier, who preferred the stage to the screen, Brando focused his talents on movies after leaving the Broadway stage in 1949, a decision that was heavily criticized when his star began to fade in the 1960s and he was chastised for wasting his talents.

Brando got the part and went on to win his second Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for his performance, which critics regard as one of his best. He declined the Academy Award due to “the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry… and also recent events at Wounded Knee,” sending Sacheen Littlefeather to accept the award on his behalf and explain why he refused it. The Godfather became the highest-grossing film ever made, and Brando reestablished himself in the ranks of top box-office stars with his Oscar-nominated performance in Last Tango in Paris (1972).

How much did Marlon Brando get paid for The Godfather?

Marlon Brando was paid $120,000 to shoot The Godfather.