
How did Flo become famous?

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Flo is a fictional salesperson character appearing in more than 100 advertisements for Progressive Insurance since 2008. Portrayed by actress and comedian Stephanie Courtney, the character has developed a fan base on social networks and has become an iconic advertising mascot.

Flo is a cashier and is recognizable by her extremely upbeat personality, brilliant white uniform, heavy makeup, and retro hairstyle. According to Courtney, it takes one hour to prepare Flo’s hair and another to apply her makeup. Referring to her work in The Groundlings, she said, “Flo could be one of my improv characters, always on and sort of cracked weirdly.

How did Flo become famous?

The character debuted in 2008 through several television advertisements and has since appeared in radio, print, and web banners. The fictional upbeat store employee of Progressive Corporation was created by copywriter John Park and art director Steve Reepmeyer, at the Boston-based agency Arnold Worldwide.


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