
How did Chelsea Manning remove classified documents from a secure facility?

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Chelsea Manning is a whistleblower from Oklahoma City, United States. She is part of the Democratic Party and has taken the Sam Adams Award once.

Like the problem with Edward Snowden who leaked sensitive or top secret information from the sauna and depths of the U.S government, Chelsea Elizabeth Manning did the same. Her act was considered heroic but traitorous so she was sentenced to 3 decades in prison but the whistleblower has been pardoned.

Chelsea starred in the crime thrillers, We Steal Secrets and Alles Ist Eins.

How did Chelsea Manning remove classified documents from a secure facility?

Stealth, smartness, and connections to the right resources. That is what gets anyone to find classified information.

Manning was working as a data analyst in the United States military during the nation’s confrontation with Afghanistan.

The trans whistleblower went ahead to design new methods of online privacy. Her release paves way for the truth to be accepted.

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