International News

Four-month-old baby sets world record for remarkable talent

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Kaivalya, a four-month-old baby from Nadigama town in Andhra Pradesh, India, has gained a lot of praise for accomplishing an incredible feat and breaking a record that has caught everyone’s attention.

Under the tender guidance of her mother, Hema, Kaivalya has proven to be exceptionally good at identifying 120 different objects, from vegetables and birds to animals and even pictures.

When Hema, Kaivalya’s mother, realized her daughter had a special gift, she decided to share it with the world. Kaivalya’s family sent a video they had made demonstrating her skills to Noble World Records.

Like everyone else, the staff at Noble World Records was in awe. After closely examining the film and evaluating Kaivalya’s abilities, they came to the conclusion that she should be awarded a special certificate, setting a world record at the age of just four months.

The child’s parents conveyed their utter happiness and thanked everyone for their assistance. In fact, they had been extremely grateful for their child.

They wanted other parents to be encouraged by Kaivalya’s story to find and cherish their child’s special gifts.