Three state institutions owed the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) GH18.5 million, which has already been collected.
The sum represents a portion of GH 46.9 million that Parliament, Ghana Airport Company Limited, and the national broadcaster, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), collectively possess.
Out of the GH13 million that Parliament owns in total, the house has agreed to pay GH8.5 million to keep the connection after the ECG rejected an early offer of one million cedis.
Laila Abubakari, Manager of External Communications for the ECG, stated that “the Finance Ministry will pay the GH5 million of the GH8.5 million they promised through the GIFMIS website.
For the remaining GH$3.5 million, they have sent us a check, but we asked that they process it online because we are not taking checks or cash for this exercise.
The official broadcaster claims that the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Energy had already agreed to pay the debt this year after clearing almost GH17 million of the total last year.
These state-owned entities’ commitments prevented any disconnections from occurring that day.