
Donald Parham profile, bio, birthday, height, wife, children, contract, salary, net worth

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Donald Parham
Donald Parham

Donald Parham is a famous American football tight end who is currently playing for the Los Angeles Chargers of the National Football League.

Donald Parham was born on August 16, 1997, in Lakeland, Florida, in the United States of America.

Donald Parham height

Donald Parham stands at a height of 6 feet 8 inches (2.03 m or 203cm) tall and weighs about 116 kg.

Donald Parham wife

Donald Parham is currently single. He is not dating anyone. There is no information about his past relationships.

Donald Parham children

Donald Parham has no child yet.

Donald Parham contract

Donald Parham recently penned down a 2 year, $1,390,000 contract with the Los Angeles Chargers. The contract has an average annual salary of $695,000.

Donald Parham salary

Donald Parham has an average annual salary of $695,000 while playing for Los Angeles Chargers.

Donald Parham net worth

Donald Parham has an estimated net worth of $2 million. Much of his money comes from his professional football career.

Editor at – Joseph Dumolga is a prolific writer and entertainment enthusiast, who has written many blog articles on music, art, and pop culture. He is a student of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. Joseph Dumolga is well-rounded on global issues but has a passion for music, art, and culture.

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