Net Worth

Chirlane McCray net worth: Bill de Blasio’s wife, age, height, children, salary

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Chirlane McCray
Chirlane McCray

Chirlane McCray is a poet, activist, and writer from the United States.

Chirlane McCray age, height, education, birthplace, parents

Chirlane McCray was born on November 29, 1954 in Springfield, Massachusetts into an Afro-American family that had migrated from Barbados and St. Lucia. Her father, Robert Hooper McCray, a World War II veteran, was an inventory clerk at a military base while her mother, Katharine Clarissa Eileen née Edwards, was an assembly worker at an electronics factory. Both of them periodically suffered from depression. Rather than being subdued by racial torments, Chirlane McCray had the resolve to confront her tormentor, creating poetry as an outlet for her hatred.

Chirlane McCray family: Husband and children

Chirlane McCray identified as a lesbian as a child and continued to do so until she met her husband, Bill de Blasio, who was working as an adviser to David Dinkins at the time. In 1994, they married.
The couple has two children called Dante and Chiara

Chirlane McCray net worth: How much is Chirlane McCray worth? What is Chirlane McCray salary?

Chirlane McCray’s net worth is unknown. The estimated net worth of New York City’s first lady is however between $1 million and $5 million.

Chirlane McCray Instagram and Twitter

With the name of @nycfirstlady, she boasts 20.2k followers and 1224 posts.

On Twitter, she is @NYCFirstLady

Head of content and Editor-at-large at – Dickson Ofori Siaw is a blunt writer who loves to make his readers see "the other perspectives of a news story". Follow me on Twitter @kwadwo_dost

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