
Are Michael Rubin and Jay-Z friends? Are Michael Rubin and Beyonce friends?

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Michael Rubin, noted internet entrepreneur, philanthropist, and social justice advocate, has built several multibillion-dollar direct-to-consumer companies. Michael is the CEO of Fanatics, a global digital sports platform that is reimaging the fan experience across many different businesses.

Are Michael Rubin and Jay-Z friends?

JAY-Z is taking a massive dive into the sports betting business, and he’s making waves while doing it. JAY-Z joined forces with his good friend, Fanatics owner, and Philadelphia 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin to get this new business endeavor off the ground. Together,

Are Michael Rubin and Beyonce friends?

JAY-Z and Beyonce’s friendship with Michael Rubin is well-documented as they’ve partnered up on several ideas, such as their most important project, the REFORM Alliance. For Rubin, joining forces with Jay on Fanatics Sportsbook is a move that both parties are ecstatic about and hopefully changes the game in the billion-dollar sports gambling industry.

It was quite a flex for billionaire Michael Rubin this weekend when he hosted an Independence Day party in the Hamptons and almost every big-name celebrity you can think of showed up.

But the biggest get on Michael’s guest list – the Queen herself, Beyoncé. She even allowed him to post a photo of her with Jay-Z on his Instagram.

Editor at Ghanafuo.com! Prince Ahiakpor is a man that believes the world can be a peaceful place when you love your neighbor as ourselves. To me, witting is like therapy it makes you use your mind in a different way than you can ever imagine. Our minds can do a lot if you allow them to do so. You are welcome to Ghanafuo.com