
Anthony Albanese weight loss: How did Anthony Albanese lose 15kgs?

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The labor Leader shed nearly 20kg of his weight and is determined to lose more. After cutting off the excess cabs and alcohol he has lost quite a significant amount of weight in over a year. People think the stress from his role as a community service person and politician might also be a factor in the tremendous weight loss.

He shared some interesting stories about his fitness on Triple M Perth on Friday, Mr. Albanese said he cut out alcohol after a serious car crash last year.

Tony’s Toyota was rammed by a Range Rover and he was rushed to hospital for X-rays but escaped serious injury.

‘In January last year, I had a near-death experience in the car,’ Mr. Albanese said.

‘I had a head-on car crash and that really causes you to sit back and think about things. I was on pretty heavy painkillers, so I had to have no alcohol.

‘And I just thought I’ll see how long I can go for. I went for five months. So now I have the occasional beer. I had a nice Little Creatures last night.’


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