Ghanaians are expressing their frustration online in response to a recent report by the press, highlighting the scenes of hundreds of people lining up at the United States Embassy in Accra.
The main point of contention lies in the fact that these individuals were left exposed to the elements, enduring the rain while standing in queues. The footage, shared by Metro TV’s j Annie Ampofo, paints a concerning picture of the situation.
Many Twitter users who jumped on the circulating images have pointed out that this isn’t the first time such an incident has occurred; @Hon_Dave1 asserts that the lack of seriousness from Ghana’s president and foreign affairs minister is to blame: “Becoz ur prez & ur foreign affairs minister #AyorkorB are not serious.”
@kobberbronnie’s comment emphasizes the need for self-improvement: “They will continue to treat us this way since we have lost a sense of belonging and the desire to make our own home.” @PrinceKOTzGh suggests that emulating successful neighboring countries could be the key: “When we stop begging and borrowing and start behaving like Niger, Burkina and Mali.”
@oduro_kweku places the responsibility on Ghana’s leaders: “This should tell our leaders to do their best when giving power. No one will treat u badly without u allowing dem. Our leaders allowed this treatment.”
@AshyraJnr notes that this isn’t exclusive to foreign embassies: “But our institutions do the same thing to us (Ghanaians). @AAA_Grey stop being a hypocrite.” The sentiment is that change is needed across the board.