
Actress Rachel Brosnahan opens up over shooting in her hometown

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Actress Rachel Brosnahan opens up over shooting in her hometown

Actress Rachel Brosnahan is sharing her sorrow over the Highland Park, Illinois, shooting rampage that left at least six people dead and numerous others injured on Monday.

In a statement, Brosnahan, who was reared in the Chicago suburb, said she was “sick” to hear about the tragedy.

Actress Rachel Brosnahan opens up over shooting in her hometown

The star of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” tweeted, “I grew up in Highland Park and this parade is a highlight of the year for so many families.”

“Every time news like this breaks, I become nauseous, but I don’t wish anyone the pit in their stomach as they contact their loved ones to check on them. no words”

In a following tweet, she said, “Enough is enough, enough, enough, enough, enough, enough is enough,” along with a link to Everytown for Gun Safety.

Richard Marx, a singer who also grew up in Highland Park, expressed his “heartbreak” over the news.

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