
Who is Woody Allen son Moses Farrow?

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Farrow is the adoption program coordinator for Lutheran Social Services of New England and has been a registered marital and family therapist in the state of Connecticut since 2007.

He specializes in treating children who have experienced adoption trauma, particularly those who were adopted by parents from a different racial group.

Moses A. Farrow, a family therapist, was born in 1978. He is famous for having defended his father against a claim of sexual abuse. He is the adoptive child of actress Mia Farrow and director Woody Allen.

Who is Woody Allen’s son Moses Farrow?

Moses Amadeus Farrow was adopted by American actress Mia Farrow and director Woody Allen in December 1991. Moses Amadeus Farrow was born with cerebral palsy in South Korea. He had a minor part in Woody Allen’s Hannah and Her Sisters from 1986.

Farrow attended the Dalton School in New York City and graduated from Siena College and the University of Connecticut with undergraduate and master’s degrees, respectively.

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