
Where was Julie Su born and where did she grow up?

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Julie A. Su, an American lawyer who was born on February 19, 1969, has been the deputy secretary of labour of the United States since 2021.

She oversaw the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) in California under Governors Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom while serving as the state’s labour secretary in the position before taking the job in question.

Since Marty Walsh, who had been in the position, left on March 11, 2023, she has been acting as secretary of labour. Su was formally nominated to occupy the seat by President Joe Biden in February 2023.

Where was Julie Su born and where did she grow up?

Su, an American of the first generation, was born in Wisconsin. Her father is from Taiwan, while her mother emigrated to the United States from China aboard a cargo ship

At the Asian-Pacific American Legal Center, Su began her legal career. She worked as the litigation director for the civil rights nonprofit Advancing Justice L.A.

Su served as the case’s principal counsel. El Monte Thai Garment Slavery Case. Su successfully developed a legal theory that held manufacturers accountable for wage theft, as well as the operators who really held the garment workers prisoner. Su served as the primary attorney for the civil action launched by the El Monte textile workers.

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