
Where did David Attenborough go to college and high school? Did David Attenborough go to film school?

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Sir David Frederick Attenborough is a broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and author from England.

Attenborough was born in Isleworth, Middlesex, on May 8, 1926, and grew up in College House on the campus of the University of Leicester, where his father, Frederick, was the principal.

Where did David Attenborough go to college and high school?

Attenborough graduated from the various universities; University of Cambridge, University College London, Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College, Wyggeston Grammar School for Boys and  London School of Economics and Political Science. In 1945, Attenborough won a scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge, to study geology and zoology, and he graduated with a degree in natural sciences.

Did David Attenborough go to film school?

In 1952, Attenborough finished a training program at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and was hired as a television producer.


According to NPR, Attenborough  “roamed the globe and shared his discoveries and enthusiasms with his patented semi-whisper way of narrating” about his broadcasting and passion for nature. Attenborough is widely regarded as a national treasure in the United Kingdom, though he dislikes the term. Attenborough is the younger brother of late director, producer, and actor Richard Attenborough, as well as the older brother of late motor executive John Attenborough.