
What was Anne Heche last podcast?

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1659918780255Anne Heche’s BETTER TOGETHER With Anne & Heather is a podcast where we affirm that we are “Better Together.” We celebrate friendship, and we believe that we can create more joy in the world by sharing our stories, stumbles, and triumphs. We curate the most fascinating guests for our listeners and us so we all can expand our knowledge and progress our curiosity.

What was Anne Heche’s last podcast?

Anne Heche’s sobriety came into question on the recent edition of her podcast, “Better Together,”  which she hosts with her close friend Heather Duffy. The episode was posted the same day as the shocking accident.

In the since-deleted episode, Heche shared how she had downed vodka and wine chasers are being “rocked” by a “very bad day,” per Entertainment Tonight. Several tabloids misconstrued this as admittance to driving under the influence, but the podcast’s producer came to Heche’s defense, confirming that the episode was recorded four days before the accident.

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