
What Rhiannon means?

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Borrowed from the Welsh, Rhiannon is an ancient Celtic name of uncertain derivation. Some belief it to be derived from the Old Celtic Rigantona (great queen). The name, which is borne in Celtic Mythology by a goddess of fertility, was not used as a given name until the 20th century. Its popularity outside Wales is due in large part to the song “Rhiannon” by the rock group Fleetwood Mac.

What Rhiannon means?

Rhiannon as a girl’s name is of Welsh origin meaning “great queen” or “goddess.” The title stems from the mythological name Rigantona, meaning “great queen,” borne by a Celtic goddess of fertility. This ethereal figure is described in legend as being dressed in shining gold, a glimmering aesthetic for any little girl.

It comes as no surprise that a name this chic-sounding and melodic inspired the Fleetwood Mac song, Rhiannon, making it an ideal choice for fans of the 1970s pop-rock scene.

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