Ghana Showbiz

Watch how Afrostar Kids Academy welcomed Afronitaa, Abigail with dance performance after BGT success

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Following their successful run on Britain’s Got Talent, Ghanaian dance stars Afronitaa and Abigail have returned home to Accra to a warm welcome.

The duo captivated audiences with their exceptional performances and secured a remarkable third place in the prestigious competition.

Afronitaa and Abigail spent a month in London competing on the famed talent show. Their journey culminated in an inspiring display of talent and artistry, earning them accolades and admiration from fans and judges alike.

Upon their return to Ghana, the talented dancers received a hero’s welcome, complete with a lively dance performance by the Afrostar Kids Academy. The kids showed immense support and pride for the duo’s achievements on the international stage.

Their success on Britain’s Got Talent serves as a testament to the exceptional talent and creativity present in Ghana’s arts and entertainment industry.

Afronitaa and Abigail have become shining examples of Ghanaian excellence on the global stage, inspiring aspiring dancers and performers across the nation.

As Afronitaa and Abigail continue to bask in the glow of their accomplishments, their journey underscores the power of dedication, passion, and perseverance in pursuing dreams and making them a reality.

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