Ghana News & Trends

The youth are kingmakers and must participate in election 2024 – J.A. Kufuor

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Former President, John Agyekum Kufuor, recently emphasized the crucial role of the youth in the upcoming December 7 general election in Ghana. He highlighted that the youth are the ultimate kingmakers and their full participation in the electoral process is essential.

The significance of youth involvement was further underscored by statistics showing that over 21% of registered voters did not participate in the 2020 general election. Despite over 17 million Ghanaians of voting age registering to vote, only 13 million actually cast their votes.

To address this concerning trend, the Kufuor Scholars Foundation, in collaboration with the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has launched a voter campaign aimed at increasing youth engagement and participation in the upcoming polls. The campaign seeks to educate and raise awareness among the youth on the importance of exercising their civic rights and responsibilities.

A recent survey conducted by the Kufuor Scholars Foundation revealed that 43 percent of every 1,000 Ghanaians do not plan to vote in the upcoming election. This highlights the urgent need for initiatives like the voter campaign to encourage greater voter turnout and engagement.

During the launch and graduation ceremony of the 2024 batch of the Kufuor Scholars, the former president urged Ghanaian youth to take their civic duties seriously and actively participate in governance and the election of leaders. He emphasized the power of the youth as the majority population and ultimate decision-makers in the country.

The voter campaign, themed “Empowering future leaders: Education, democracy and civic engagement,” aims to use seminars, stakeholder engagements, and community outreach to educate the youth about their electoral responsibilities. Notable personalities, including Prof Agyemang Baffuor Duah, CEO of JAK Foundation, and H.E. Harriet Thompson, British High Commissioner to Ghana, attended the launch event.

Chairperson of the National Commission for Civic Education, Kathleen Addy, emphasized the importance of youth participation in elections to strengthen Ghana’s democracy. She stressed the need for voters to prioritize their civic duties over monetary influences and to take responsibility for their choices.

The Kufuor Scholars Foundation has played a significant role in grooming over 200 young leaders who are committed to effecting positive change in Ghana and across Africa. Through initiatives like the voter campaign, the foundation aims to empower future leaders and promote active civic engagement among the youth.

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