International News

The wealthiest politician in the world is $200 billion rich and owns A $700 million jet

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Vladimir Putin may officially declare himself to be paid $140,000 a year, but his lifestyle and rumored wealth tell a different story. Although he acknowledges possessing modest possessions such as a trailer, three automobiles, and an 800-square-foot apartment, recurring rumors point to a more lavish reality.

A significant investor in Russia in the 1990s sparked rumors about Putin’s personal fortune, which have since been estimated to be worth an astounding $200 billion.

The Black Sea home, also known as “Putin’s Country Cottage,” is a well-known representation of Putin’s purported affluence, which adds intrigue to the question of his money.

Contradictory reports notwithstanding, the resort is purported to have lavish features like a nightclub, a modern ice hockey rink, a marble pool adorned with statues of Greek gods, an amphitheater, and a casino modeled after Vegas.

The luxurious furnishings in the lavish interior include a $500,000 dining room set, a $54,000 bar table, and bathrooms with $850 Italian toilet brushes and $1,250 toilet paper holders. Fortune claims that maintaining this level of opulence requires an annual staff cost of $2 million.

Putin’s list of extravagant possessions now includes 19 additional homes, 700 vehicles, 58 planes and helicopters, and a $716 million aircraft dubbed “The Flying Kremlin.”

The president is rumored to be the owner of a $700 million mega yacht named Scheherazade, which adds to the rumors about his fortune.

Putin’s purportedly extravagant lifestyle is further enhanced by his collection of high-end timepieces, which includes a $500,000 A. Lange & Sohne Tourbograph and a $60,000 Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar. The cost of these timepieces alone was six times his official yearly income.

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