
Prince Harry Wears Military Medals to Queen Elizabeth II’s Procession After Uniform Snub

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rs 1024x759 220914065931 1024 prince harry medals queen elizabethFor Queen Elizabeth II’s procession on Sept. 14, the Duke of Sussex who walked alongside brother Prince William, dad King Charles III and other royals behind his grandmother’s coffin wore his military medals on the chest of his suit. As a non-working member of the royal family, Harry was not permitted to wear his military uniform at any of the traditional events leading up to the Queen’s funeral.

In response to the rule, the 37-year-old expressed that he wanted to keep the focus on honoring the late British monarch. Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, will wear a morning suit throughout events honoring his grandmother,” his spokesperson said in a Sept. 13 statement to E! News. “His decade of military service is not determined by the uniform he wears, and we respectfully ask that focus remains on the life and legacy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Harry who stepped back from royal duties with wife Meghan Markle in early 2020 spent 10 years in the Army, serving two tours in Afghanistan (The first being from 2007-2008 and the second from 2012 to 2013). Harry who stepped back from royal duties with wife Meghan Markle in early 2020 spent 10 years in the Army, serving two tours in Afghanistan (The first being from 2007-2008 and the second from 2012 to 2013).

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