
Ofui Luterodt feeds from his wife’s pocket – Afia Schwarzenegger

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Afia Schwarzenegger

Television personality, Afia Schwarzenegger has released some missiles at controversial Counselor, Luterodt.

Luterodt in an interview indicated that Afia is currently looking for a father for the children.
In responding to the claims by Luterodt, Afia Schwarzenegger asked him to stay in his lane because if he trespasses into her lane she will be left with no option than to disgrace him. 
She indicated that the Counselor regardless of his noise feeds from his wife’s pocket adding that his wife provided the money they used for their wedding.
Afia who shared the wedding pictures of the Counselor could not fathom why an educated man like him will allow his wife dress like a dead body for their wedding.
Afia said “George Lutterodt

You think some of us don’t know how ur wife gave u money to marry her..or you think we don’t know that she fed you for years and still feeding you..well my friend was ur neighbour so be careful 
Take several seats with ur foolishness and shut up…when you talk about real men I cry becos u are not one..real men don’t beg to feed their family.. from begging from Fadda Dickson to Prophet Kobi..I guess every man can do that.
My 16 years kids don’t need a is ur children that are living like fatherless even though their useless loud mouth father is alive.. that needs a father..
I wonder how ur wife feels with all the
humiliation u always bring on her e.g. insulting me on radio and calling me secretly to apologize..Thank God I recorded.
No wonder your wife follows u to no where. .your family is ashame of you
And with all this mouth…U allowed your wife to wear 3funu dress as wedding gown…You are a wicked man..God will punish you
Ofui go get a spray starch for ur worn out shirts

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